North East Digital Village
Criminal Justice Reform
Amnesty International: (amnesty-usa.org) Amnesty International is dedicated to freeing prisoners of conscience, gaining fair trials for political prisoners, ending torture, political killings and "disappearances," and abolishing the death penalty throughout the world.
Building Blocks for Youth: (buildingblocksforyouth.org) Building Blocks for Youth is an alliance of children's advocates, researchers, law enforcement professionals and community organizers that seeks to protect minority youth in the justice system and promote rational and effective justice policies.
Criminal Justice Policy Foundation: (cjpf.org) CJPF provides information about issues in state and federal anti-crime proposals, e.g. "three strikes and you're out," mandatory minimum sentences, drug sentences, crack and powder cocaine sentencing disparity, forfeiture, gun control, crime prevention, prison construction, community policing, juvenile delinquency and prosecution, federalization of local crimes.
Justice Information Center: (ncjrs.aspensys.com) A clearinghouse for information on criminal and criminal youth justice, the Justice Information Center allows users to search its holdings by topic and keyword.
National Prison Project: (aclu.org)
The National Prison Project (ACLU) seeks to reduce prison overcrowding, reduce reliance on incarceration as a criminal justice sanction, create constitutional prison conditions and strengthen prisoners' rights through a program of class action litigation and public education.
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention: (ojjdp.ncjrs.org)
OJJDP was established as part of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 with a primary mandate of removing status offenders from juvenile detention and correctional facilities (status offenders are youth who have committed offenses that would not be crimes if they had been committed by adults). Its website has an abundance of information about juvenile justice, risk-factors for juvenile delinquency, best practices in juvenile delinquency prevention and juvenile justice reform initiatives.
Vera Institute of Justice cite: (vera.org) Working in collaboration with government and local communities, Vera designs and implements innovative programs that expand the practice of justice in public service and improve the quality of urban life. Vera operates demonstration projects, conducts original research, and offers technical assistance to public officials in New York City and beyond.
In Connecticut
Juvenile Matters in Connecticut cite: (courtcafe.com) Connecticut's one-stop place for information about the Superior Court Judicial District with particular emphasis on Juvenile Court Matters and child protection, child welfare and related topics.
Court Cafe Glossary cite: (courtcafe.com) You'll find links to courts, state agencies, a glossary to help you make sense of the legal words and phrases, directions to courts and other resources.