100 days to Save the Whale
North East Digital Village
Creature Course
What's a "COURSE"?
You may have noticed that most of the Village Links refer to places, or ways to get to places around the Village. Since "CREATURES" might live on or tranverse either land or sea or air, we tried to find a noun that might describe a variety of "paths" . . . and . . . still work well with"creature".
Only in the last moment
of human history has the delusion arisen that people can flourish
apart from the living world.
E.O. Wilson, The Diversity of Life |

Creepy Crawling & Flying-Sometimes Things
Alien Empire:
Thinking Death Star? Nope. Take a trip to visit hives, mounds, and cocoons!
cite: wnet.org
AntBoy's Bugworld:
There are over 1,000,000 different known species of insects in the world - and a lot of them are here!
cite: heatersworld.com
Bugs, Bugs & More Bugs!: Great pictures from Iowa State University - of every kind of bug and insect you could ever want to see!
cite: ent.iastate.edu
Sights & Sounds: Rain Forest Gliders:
Flying frogs, leaping lizards, airborne squirrels - a host of creatures employ gravity-defying means of travel. Come fly with them as author/photographer Tim Laman tells their story.
cite: nationalgeographic.org
Birds of America:
Online version of John James Audubon's Birds of America from an 1840 "First Octavo Edition" of Audubon's complete seven volume text, and presents Audubon's images and original text descriptions. Bird species can be found
categorized by family or listed by state. Also information on Extinct Birds.
John James Audubon was a daring and colorful character renowned for his
adventurous nature, his artistic genius, and his obsessive interest in birds. Learn about his life by reading "John James Audubon, The American Woodsman: Our Namesake and Inspiration". Compiled by Richard Buonanno.
cite: audubon.org
BirdLife International:
The BirdLife Partnership is working to improve the quality of life for birds, people and other wildlife.
cite: birdlife.org
Of the Seas & Oceans, Lakes & Streams
Caribbean Conservation Corporation:
Dedicated to the conservation of sea turtles and related marine and coastal wildlife through research, training, advocacy, education and the protection of natural areas. Go to their site map for the best overview of the good stuff on their site.
cite: cccturtle.org
Northeast Fisheries Science Center asks these questions and more... What is the world's largest fish? The smallest? Do fish sleep? How long can sea turtles stay underwater? Check out the answers on the Fish FAQ - then go ask your mom, or big brother and see if they know!
cite: nefsc.noaa.gov
Charlotte, The Vermont Whale: In 1849, while constructing the first railroad between Rutland and Burlington, Vermont, workers unearthed the bones of a mysterious animal near the town of Charlotte. Buried nearly 10 feet below the surface in a thick blue clay, these bones were unlike those of any animal previously discovered in Vermont.
cite: uvm.edu

Creature Welfare Sites
Tour for Life: Mobile adoption units crossing the country, from New York to San Francisco
cite: tourforlife.com
Conservation International:
Learn about the Earth's Last Wild Places and much, much more
cite: conservation.org
World Parks :
International conservation organization preserving the Earth's threatened species and ecosystems. Targets lands that are critical for preventing immediate species extinctions and are exceptionally rich in biological diversity.
cite: worldparks.org
East Africa Natural History Society (EANHS) in Uganda. EANHS is the oldest conservation NGO in E.Africa.
cite: natureuganda.org
